Fire prevention consists of the set of activities whose objective is the prevention of fire hazards and /or aimed at avoiding the emergence of fire.
Airportstudio is able to put in place a team of professionals who can solve any problem of fire prevention that the customer faces.
Airportstudio makes available its specialists to provide a qualified assistance for the following activities:
- preliminary analysis of customer needs
- building and plant fire protection design
- construction supervision and inspection of work and installations
- management at the fire department to obtain the prior opinion to the fire prevention certificate (CPI))
- application for examination of the project in order to obtain the opinion of conformity;
- submission for the Fire Department inspection in order to secure the release of the Fire Prevention Certificate (CPI)
- login statement
- consultation concerning the revision of the CPI
procedure for derogation
- Support for the transition from the system of provisional clearance to that of fire prevention certificate
- expert reports for renewal of the fire prevention certificate
- presentation of questions to the Ministry
- assistance during the audit of the Fire Department
- training of the personnel courses with theoretical - practical Fire Prevention
Our services are aimed to:
- must face the execution of interventions of new construction, renovation, adaptation of activities that require the Fire Prevention Certificate (CPI)
- they should provide for verification of the state of the art and the renewal of the CPI
- wish to make a company check-up to verify the possibility of lower costs of insurance premiums on fire policies
- DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC August 1st 2011, no. 151 " Regulation on the simplification of on the procedures rules related to fire prevention, in accordance with article 49, paragraph 4 - coma 4-quater of the Decree-Law of 31 May 2010, no. 78, converted with amendments by Law 30 July 2010,n. 122
- General rules on fire prevention
- UNI Standards