Fuel distribution facilities are those areas of public use, public or privately owned, properly equipped, intended for supply of vehicles or boats
The installation and operation of fuel distribution facilities are activities freely exercised on the basis of the authorization referred to in Legislative Decree n. 32/1998
Service stations for private use are all the equipped - stationary or mobilized- composed by a dispenser connected to an underground tank, or container-dispensers above ground, completed with dispenser, of a type approved under current regulations, located in spaces such as factories, construction sites, warehouses and the like, of the property or exclusive use.These facilities are meant for fueling vehicles, or vehicles with and without license plate a, owned or under lease used by the authorized holder, excluding fixed or movable facilities intended for subsidized fuel for agricultural use.
This type of system is a non-sale of fuel to third parties, against payment or free of charge.
Airportstudio relies on the collaboration and advice of professionals and technical experts in the oil industry.
It is able to provide all services for:
- the construction of service stations for the distribution of each type of fuel, including natural gas, LPG, hydrogen, etc.. – of public and private ownership, including those for boats
- the implementation of disposal measures for service stations or parts thereof (buildings, structures, fuel tanks, pipes, etc.) including the characterization and rehabilitation, waste disposal, etc.
Airportstudio makes available its specialists, for a qualified assistance, which will address the entire design and bureaucratic process to open new service stations, and for the installation, upgrading and restructuring of the fuel distribution - public and private, including deposits and the installations for agricultural use- in compliance with the regulations and as follows:
- preliminary analysis of customer needs
- possible site search
- preliminary study
- development of the actual project starting from the introductory services (normative analysis, study rule, layout solutions, cost analysis, preparation of drafts, presentation to the competent authorities - Province, ANAS, municipalities, local health, fire brigade, etc. - for the granting of permits, preparing documents for the safety at the workplace and staff training, etc.)
- care for and maintain relationships with the relevant government organizations (Province, Municipality, ARPA, the Fire Department, ANAS, etc.) also in service conferences
- coordination during design and execution of works
- construction supervision
- field testing inspection of structures and facilitiesassistance to the field testing inspection of the Provincial Committee
- site specific analysis
- design characterization and rehabilitation
Our services are aimed to:
- intend to build, renovate or open exercise or enhance a service station for public use, a facility for private use or facility for boats
- R.D n. 1741/33 and subsequent amendments
- D.M 31.07.1934
- L. n. 460/65
- Legislative decree n.504/95 and subsequent amendments - Consolidated Law on excise duty
- Legislative decree .vo n. 32/98
- Legislative decree n.152/2006 and subsequent amendments - Consolidated Environmental
- Legislative decree n.81/08 and subsequent amendments – Consolidated Law on health and safety at work
- National statement of overall industry
- Regional statement of overall industry
- Fire prevention regulations of the industry
- Building codes and hygienic premises