Airportstudio has gained significant experience in this area. The Civil Protection has a public function and is a matter that should be taken among the fundamental tasks of the public administration, and must be carried out in a consistent and organized way. It can no longer, as in the past, be considered a sporadic and occasional task, a set of forces to be put in place only on emergency interventions to the population. It is the coordination of structured organizational measures for the implementation of the momentum of solidarity and commitment that are set in motion after a natural disasters (as is purposely noted, Article 2 of the Constitution: "The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, as an individual and in social groups where he expresses his personality, and demands the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political, economic and social solidarity."
It is also manifested through the coordination of all actions, in their cognitive, regulatory and management aspects that affect the most diverse facets of civic life; these actions must all be equally exercised with the highest level of coordination and synergy possible, whether pertaining to the cognitive aspects of the collection and processing of information, whether they adhere to the most purely legal or vice versa operational and management aspects. The actions of Civil Defense are aimed at ensuring the safety of people and / or the property and the environment: this is the object on which it carries out its activities and at the same time it is the aim and purpose, namely the protection and preservation of public safety.
Airportstudio makes available its specialists to provide assistance in:
perform preliminary studies for the Civil Protection preparation plan
- collect data and provide drafting of the Civil Protection Plan
- assist customers during field simulations of accident scenarios
- assist customers in verifying the operative criticalities with the subsequent search for solutions
- provide drafting of briefing papers and disclosed
- assist customers in the disclosure of information to the public
Our services are aimed to:
- to institutions that should ensure the drafting or review of the Civil Protection plans
- to companies that intend to collaborate with the Civil Defense actions
- Law n. 225/92
- Legislative Decree n.300/99
- Law n.100/12
- Other industry standards